Friday, September 7, 2012


I've been a little stressed lately, see the zit on my forehead that resembles a unicorn horn for evidence.  With 4 weddings in 5 weeks, multiple sessions a week, post processing all of those, and working my second job(thanks Dave Ramsey) I've been feeling the heat.  While the career/job-life is a little intense right now, I can confidently say that God has placed me in each of these situations for his own wonderful purposes.
Today I worked the candy shop, took Sunnie to Sonic, emailed, finished editing Friday's wedding, phone called, had a photo session, edited that photo session...and wrote a blog.  Unicorn horn zit or not, I'm doing what I love.
In the mean time Jeff is the most supportive husband. ever.  This afternoon he came home with his arms full of groceries(that I should have gotten 4 days ago).  Jeff is my helpmate: practically, emotionally, spiritually.  He even assisted me with Jamie Lee & Tommy's wedding on Friday, look at the shot below, he took it, skills!!


  1. Jenny,
    Jeff's shot is an excellent expression of what you do and how you do it. The artist sometimes needs someone else's perception to capture their talents and make them visible/marketable to others. It is NOT ONLY the equipment and technique of the photographer, but the eyes, mind, and heart behind the shutter that connects the moment.

    This rings true in this image as I think about the 2 photographers here, both YOU and JEFF! LOVE your work!

  2. You Rock girlfriend!!! Keep it up!

  3. Just so you know, when I only have few minutes to catch up on the blogs I scroll down my sidebar to see if any posts catch my attention. "Unicorn" definitely struck my curiosity, and I'm so glad I stopped by to read.
    Happy for you, that you're getting to do what you love! God is good!

  4. Thank ya'll so much for the encouragement! I appreciate each of you taking the time to read my blog.
