Thursday, August 30, 2012


While Jeff and I were riding in the truck together a radio conversation caught my attention.  The DJ was about to announce the number one thing that GROSSES guys out about their spouse/girlfriend.  Of course I'm was oh so curious about my grossest tendency.  When I asked Jeff what I do that grosses him out  **I was very specific to only ask for one answer and not a whole list**
It took a minute or so for him to think of something, but I wasn't surprised with his answer.  I won't tell you what it was, but I will tell you I fixed it as soon as we got home and will try to have better habits.  He returned the question to me and I contemplated my options, then delivered my answer.  It was a very good conversation for us to have.  Both GROSS things were easily fixable, it just calls for us to be a little more attentive.  Before we went to bed, I noticed that his grossest tendency was also fixed.
Yaaay communication!!!
Earlier this week I was reading in our "Quiet Time For Couples" devotion and a sentence stuck out to me.
"Married life is a continuing process of seeking to be a benefit to your partner"
This was a great reminder for me.  Since reading this, I've been waking up thinking, "how can I benefit Jeff".  Ok so the first thing I think when I wake up is, "SNOOZE", then "why do you have to get up so early", but I eventually get to the "how can I benefit him" thought.  Or when I get to the evening time, "have I benefited him today?"  This holds me accountable and helps me evaluate how I use my time and energy.  A major benefit we can have is communicating.  Don't play games with your spouse, be clear with your words, thoughts, feelings and give them ample opportunity to do the same. . .even about gross stuff.
I made this for a Shutterfly magnet, then my coupon expired...sad day.  Photo by Jana Candler

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