Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wonderfully Mysterious

    My track record with Bible studies has never been an admirable one.  If you look at any of my book studies or work books you’ll quickly notice a disappointing pattern.  Start strong, read all the chapters, answer all the questions.   Towards the middle you’ll notice less writing and then moving further you’ll notice abandoned sections, questions unanswered and neglected chapters.  I made this sad realization last night while talking with my mom over the phone.  When I was young I had a knack for reading, but in the last few years I can count on a single hand the books I’ve actually finished.
(pauses, eats rest of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream)
    Today I had an unexpected yet welcomed “day off,”  I work a weekday job at Robot Candy Co. Downtown so that I can work my dream job as a Photographer on the weekends and “off work” hours.  After working on all of my left behind To-Dos this morning I took a break at the beach.  The clouds and drizzles brought me home only to find the sun shining.  Perseverance to get my vitamin D sent me to the roof.  As I was climbing out the window, I grabbed my book study that I was officially three weeks behind in.  I decided to scan over the forgotten chapters of Lioness Arising By Lisa Bevere before reading the current assignment.  And I’ll have you know, I learned a lot.

Lesson One:  “There are people who need you to close your eyes and see them when you pray.” -Lioness Arising
The Seacoast Church family is experiencing the tragic loss of Josh Miller.  He was taken in an automobile accident this past Sunday.  He leaves behind a loving church campus(James Island), wife Liz, and two sweet children Hannah and George.  At The Vine tonight(young adult small group) we listened to Seacoast's Pastor Gregg’s message to his staff.  I don’t know this family personally, but I do feel like this quote was put in front of me two weeks late as part of God’s perfect timing to pray for this family.  After losing Dad in 2007, I’ve been able to pray more specifically for families who are grieving.  In this time of Nana’s sickness I can only hope fellow believers will see her and my family when they pray.  There’s so much oppression and strife in the world, as believers we must take advantage of being able to communicate to God.  We cannot be passive, we must pray.

Lesson Two: “I don’t know or do everything, but what I know, I choose to do well...duplicating the talents of another serves no one well, least of all you.  Individuality is not born through comparison, copying, or competition.” -Lioness Arising
God has created us in His image and has breathed His Holy Spirit into us, not to compare and conform, but to be a marvelous functioning part of the body of Christ.  He’s given you gifts and talents that are magnified by the Holy Spirit.  Do something.  Use His gifts.  Share His love.  Do not hesitate.  Dream.  Be what you were made to be.

    I’ve been very encouraged through this book study of Lioness Arising.  My time with the young adult group at church(The Vine) has been an immense time of growth.  Seacoast messages and worship have also be inspiring and vital to my walk with God.  I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you.  Being real with you may be difficult at times, but I want to deliver what God is teaching me.  He is doing some wonderfully, mysterious stuff!

It's your turn(comment below):  Have you ever noticed how God uses weather to change your plans or get you right where he wants you?  Like today, and my rainy beach trip.  He really just wanted me to go home and pick up my book.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

DIY Directors Chair Redo

One evening I was rushing home after a photo session on Folly Beach and came across these chairs thrown out on the side of the road.  Wonderful thing about Charleston:  the city picks up trash so people dump their stuff on the side of the road.  That makes it free game before the trash trucks come!  Jeff and I were leaving for a weekend in Greenville, but managed to cram 3 directors chairs(unfolded due to rusty hinges) into the back of my car.
Due to little space in our town home I left 2 chairs in Greenville and took one back to Charleston to work on.  Since then, I've finished the chair and the other 2 chairs have disappeared. 
This poor chair was in horrible shape, but I could see potential!  The cloth was stained and grungy so it was tossed.  I scrubbed the grime and grossness off the frame and spray painted it white.  I should have sanded it before painting.

 I was having a hard time visualizing what fabric to select, but when Mom and I saw this we knew it was right.  We were only going to get a yard or so, but the store clerk gave us the rest of the fabric role, "because no one will want the leftover scraps." We came out of the store with 2 yards of fabric so I have an accent pillow for the couch and used the fabric as a background for my DIY Calendar.