Sometimes all you want to do is ride the Blue Ridge Parkway, but God may have another route in mind. It may turn out to be a gravel road winding up and down the Smokie Mountains or a paved interstate. Either way, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:21-23
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Happy Fall Y'all!

Monday, October 7, 2013

of people who move from
one place to another.
It's been one year since Jeff and I packed up our first home. We left Charleston October 6 of last year and unloaded our belongs into a storage room, only keeping the basics. We kept seasonal clothes, my office stuff, surfboards, and 2 canvas wraps from our wedding day.
Since then we have lived in 3 zip codes! We spent a few months in Lancaster, Jeff did a clinical in Dallas, then in Greer, SC.

In the process of our nomadic year, we have seen God place opportunities in front of us that we would not imagine!
Yes, we are looking forward to unpacking that storage room and moving, but we'll enjoy the next month or two living life the nomad way.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Back To School

If you would have said, by Fall 2013 semester, you and Jeff will be working at NGU. I would have looked at you with complete confusion. huh? Well we are! God has worked out a lot of major life stuff for us lately! I am working part-time at North Greenville University as Enrollment Marketing Assistant. I must say, I love it! I was a work study in Admissions while I was in school, then I continued working with them through freelance design assignments. Now I'm there Tuesday-Thursday designing our marketing materials, working on the Admissions website, and lots of other fun stuff! I hope these prospect students get a real taste of the awesomeness of NGU through this marketing. I know if they come to NGU they will hear the gospel and be discipled! What a great purpose to have at work!

We love our alma mater and are blessed to work "Where Christ makes the difference."

No worries, we still have time for fun! Mom turned 60 and we celebrated at the lake. We visited the Williams in Lancaster and Jeff led worship at Vertical Church.
The Brick House improvements are coming along nicely!
Sunnie turned 2 years old!!
Millie and Evan will be married in 99 days!!!!!!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Everyone plays their part and it's different every time. Libby hates to cut onions and I love it. I don't want to peel the tomatoes, but mom has it covered. Jeff was the master canner. James started the garden...Millie loves to pick the garden. Ya see!
We were writing down recipes, but that went out the window with a pinch of this and handful of that.
It's not odd for a sibling to come by for a visit and leave with a mason jar full of this veggie goodness :) Just don't take too much, this has to last a whole year!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Bye July!
Oh July, where did you go?? SO MANY things happened and I have written zero. zilch. Now I'm behind on August!

Aunt Marianne and Uncle Robbie came down for a visit and for the big wedding! We loved having them both back in the south. Marianne stayed around a little longer, so we hit the lake for some sunshine! It is always refreshing to have Marianne around. We hear interesting stories about the Farnham side!
Check out James & Mary Kathryn's July 13 wedding here!

Along with James and MK, I photographed two other weddings in July. That means Jeff got to spend a weekend surfing in Charleston! We try to manage our time to the best of our abilities. Sometimes you have to drop everything and GO! Other times(most times, lately) you have to buckle down and get to it!
God has given us amazing opportunities and has provided for us so much this summer! I can't wait to tell you more when the time is right!

Our little Millie made the move to NC. She is setting up her new classroom and getting into the groove of adultishness. We are all adjusting to having one less closet to dress with.
Lib, Mil, and I have been working to speed up our pace. We'll do speed workouts here and there. Last week I ran my first 6.2 miles at a sub 9 minute pace :) That's up here in the hills! Getting ready for our 10K in October!

Aunt Marianne and Uncle Robbie came down for a visit and for the big wedding! We loved having them both back in the south. Marianne stayed around a little longer, so we hit the lake for some sunshine! It is always refreshing to have Marianne around. We hear interesting stories about the Farnham side!
Check out James & Mary Kathryn's July 13 wedding here!

Along with James and MK, I photographed two other weddings in July. That means Jeff got to spend a weekend surfing in Charleston! We try to manage our time to the best of our abilities. Sometimes you have to drop everything and GO! Other times(most times, lately) you have to buckle down and get to it!
God has given us amazing opportunities and has provided for us so much this summer! I can't wait to tell you more when the time is right!

Our little Millie made the move to NC. She is setting up her new classroom and getting into the groove of adultishness. We are all adjusting to having one less closet to dress with.
Lib, Mil, and I have been working to speed up our pace. We'll do speed workouts here and there. Last week I ran my first 6.2 miles at a sub 9 minute pace :) That's up here in the hills! Getting ready for our 10K in October!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Cabin Fever
This one will be much more light-hearted than the last post. promise.
Last week we had CABIN FEVER big time! Jeff and I chased the sunshine to NC on Saturday for Coon Dog Day in Saluda and then a stroll and lunch in Asheville. No worries, we'll get back to enjoying Greenville when it's no longer water logged.

Poor Sunnie has had a rough time lately. If it's not thundering, someone is shooting guns off. Then there's July 4th. and 5th. and 6th. and 7th of fireworks. It's thundering right now and Jeff had to carry the 50 pound pooch up the stairs to get her to stop hiding and go to bed.
Dr. Williams is working hard! I feel like Jeff has been working for forever because clinicals and classes seemed like he was "at work." He's been at SSI for over a month now :)
This old house has been full for the summer! James said, "The house feels like a college dorm." That will change rapidly. James and Mary Kathryn GET MARRIED this Saturday! Two weeks after that, Millie will make the move to NC. I am anticipating the empty nest right along with mom.

The garden is gushing with goodies. We have had fresh vegetables with each meal. Last night Millie and Evan picked our blackberries. She washed them and put them straight into the dish to make a cobbler. drooling!
When asked to contribute to this post, Jeff said, "It is never too late to enjoy a homemade biscuit!" He is referring to his baking shinanigans at 10:30pm. He makes the best biscuits, a Williams trait for sure!
Our grass was crazy tall. I'm still learning to maneuver our beast of a lawn mower. I set out to practice yesterday. I did the majority of the yard before learning how to lower the blade. Needless to say, I was back in the yard today actually cutting the grass.
I'd rather Cabin Fever over Bieber Fever anyday.
Last week we had CABIN FEVER big time! Jeff and I chased the sunshine to NC on Saturday for Coon Dog Day in Saluda and then a stroll and lunch in Asheville. No worries, we'll get back to enjoying Greenville when it's no longer water logged.

Poor Sunnie has had a rough time lately. If it's not thundering, someone is shooting guns off. Then there's July 4th. and 5th. and 6th. and 7th of fireworks. It's thundering right now and Jeff had to carry the 50 pound pooch up the stairs to get her to stop hiding and go to bed.
Dr. Williams is working hard! I feel like Jeff has been working for forever because clinicals and classes seemed like he was "at work." He's been at SSI for over a month now :)
This old house has been full for the summer! James said, "The house feels like a college dorm." That will change rapidly. James and Mary Kathryn GET MARRIED this Saturday! Two weeks after that, Millie will make the move to NC. I am anticipating the empty nest right along with mom.

The garden is gushing with goodies. We have had fresh vegetables with each meal. Last night Millie and Evan picked our blackberries. She washed them and put them straight into the dish to make a cobbler. drooling!
When asked to contribute to this post, Jeff said, "It is never too late to enjoy a homemade biscuit!" He is referring to his baking shinanigans at 10:30pm. He makes the best biscuits, a Williams trait for sure!
Our grass was crazy tall. I'm still learning to maneuver our beast of a lawn mower. I set out to practice yesterday. I did the majority of the yard before learning how to lower the blade. Needless to say, I was back in the yard today actually cutting the grass.
I'd rather Cabin Fever over Bieber Fever anyday.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I was angry. Boy was I hot! Not only did I have a super long week, but Sunnie was being rebellious...and I'm pretty sure it was raining, which makes things even worse. I was packing everything up to meet Jeff in Lancaster for a family gathering. As I was running out the door I told mom exactly how perturbed I was. Her words, "you need to work on that, before you get there." helped a little. I tried to get over my frustration with the multitude of things, but the three hour drive just made things worse. My favorite songs on the radio wouldn't even help. I was ornery and there was no snapping out of it.
When I arrived to Lancaster, I stopped at the Walmart. I called Jeff to see if he needed me to get anything. "What isle are you on? I'm at Walmart too," he said. My thoughts exploded. I knew I wasn't in good shape to run into anyone I knew, especially husband. He found me by the rice crispies and much to his dismay, he encountered an unhappy, on the edge wife.
For the next 10 minutes he followed me around the store as I blurted out all the horrible reasons why I was frustrated...a few of them included him. When it was his turn, his calm, supportive response pointed me to Proverbs 15:1.
When I arrived to Lancaster, I stopped at the Walmart. I called Jeff to see if he needed me to get anything. "What isle are you on? I'm at Walmart too," he said. My thoughts exploded. I knew I wasn't in good shape to run into anyone I knew, especially husband. He found me by the rice crispies and much to his dismay, he encountered an unhappy, on the edge wife.
For the next 10 minutes he followed me around the store as I blurted out all the horrible reasons why I was frustrated...a few of them included him. When it was his turn, his calm, supportive response pointed me to Proverbs 15:1.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Instead of reflecting my horrible attitude, he showed me love. Instead of exposing my faulty expectations, he comforted me. Instead of walking away, he offered to help. Instead of stirring up more anger, he turned away wrath.
The reasons why I was so bothered aren't was weeks ago! Mostly just little things piled onto a high stress week. The point is that we must decide how to react to moments like Jeff was faced with. He knew the right reaction long BEFORE I stormed down isle 6. Anticipate the struggle and decide to respond the Christlike way. Proverbs 17:27 states, "The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered."
Thank you LORD for mercy.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Sunday Lunch
I LOVE Sunday Lunch! It's an essential part of my week! I get a hefty dose of family time, sarcasm, and yummy food!!
In America, most gatherings we have are centered around food...I'm ok with that, especially if mom is cooking.
Fisheye shot!!
In America, most gatherings we have are centered around food...I'm ok with that, especially if mom is cooking.
Fisheye shot!!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Love/Pollen is in the air!
James and Mary Kathryn got engaged over spring break! I think something is in the air because my cousin, Jake, just got engaged over the weekend. Maybe it's the pollen.
We celebrated James and MK's engagement at Nance's Seafood. Mary Kathryn is honored to wear the ring Daddy Vince gave our Nana over 20 years ago.
I think it's safe to say, 2013 has shaped up to be an EXCITING year! We are all looking forward to James's wedding and Millie's wedding. Then all the Farnham kids will be married!
James, MK, and I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run! It was so exciting to inch up to the starting line and take off on my 6.2 mile run through Charleston. There were around 30,000 people racing so it was an adrenalin packed experience. James and MK reached their goal and I'm happy with my 1 hour and 24 second finish.
We celebrated James and MK's engagement at Nance's Seafood. Mary Kathryn is honored to wear the ring Daddy Vince gave our Nana over 20 years ago.
I think it's safe to say, 2013 has shaped up to be an EXCITING year! We are all looking forward to James's wedding and Millie's wedding. Then all the Farnham kids will be married!
James, MK, and I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run! It was so exciting to inch up to the starting line and take off on my 6.2 mile run through Charleston. There were around 30,000 people racing so it was an adrenalin packed experience. James and MK reached their goal and I'm happy with my 1 hour and 24 second finish.
Lone Star Visit
I liked flying with Southwest Airlines to Texas. Even though I felt like a middle schooler being picked last in P.E. NO ONE wants anyone to sit beside them. no one.
My long distance knight in shining armor picked me up at the airport, gerber daisies in hand. We drove around Dallas and spent the evening with his house mates. Jeff is very fortunate to have such great guys to live with. You never know what you are going to get.
Friday I got to fix Jeff's lunch and help him off to work. I've missed being able to serve him in those little things. While he was at work, I had the pleasure of spending time with a fellow SummerShiner. We stretch far and wide and I'm so thankful for the friends and connections made through this ministry. Heck, I married a man I met at SummerShine!!
Heather Joy and I had the best time catching up and strolling along a classy river park.
Friday evening Jeff and I strapped on our boots(not really) and headed to the honky tonk. We thoroughly enjoy dancing together. We arrived early for lessons. While we have different learning styles at these dance lessons, we figure it out. Jeff is so sure to know what he's doing before he even moves his feet. I'm all eyes glazed over for the tutorials, fumble over my feet during the practice round, finally I listen to the teacher show us the step the next time around. It's a good thing I'm a follower.
Saturday, oh Saturday was our favorite! We packed up and hit the road to San Antonio! Jeff knew there wasn't much to do in Dallas so I'm very pleased he planned a getaway...AND took care of all the details. We felt like kids on Christmas morning driving into the city and riding the elevator with our new friend "Tony the bus boy." Shortly after checking in, we toured the Riverwalk, Alamo, and surrounding sights. We dined at Casa Rio to the sounds of the mariachi band.
God knew I would need a patient spouse, for more than one reason. I had
my "big camera" so we were frequently stopping for pictures. When
night fell, I wanted to do long exposures on the river. I worked on
them for a good 45 minutes and Jeff never rushed me or complained. He
encouraged and was enthusiastic about my results! Yaaay! Click here for night shots on my website!
The next day we toured the Alamo and learned a lot about its
importance in Texas history. We headed back to Dallas after a deluxe
breakfast from McDonalds. Our date for the evening was set at Charlie
Palmers downtown. It was an adventurous experience. I always like to
try something new at different restaurants. The staff was so great,
they brought us an extra dessert!! We savored every second of our time
Then Monday came. We bid farewell for our final 5 weeks apart. Yep, I was that girl at the check in counter with mascara running down her face.
My long distance knight in shining armor picked me up at the airport, gerber daisies in hand. We drove around Dallas and spent the evening with his house mates. Jeff is very fortunate to have such great guys to live with. You never know what you are going to get.

Heather Joy and I had the best time catching up and strolling along a classy river park.
Friday evening Jeff and I strapped on our boots(not really) and headed to the honky tonk. We thoroughly enjoy dancing together. We arrived early for lessons. While we have different learning styles at these dance lessons, we figure it out. Jeff is so sure to know what he's doing before he even moves his feet. I'm all eyes glazed over for the tutorials, fumble over my feet during the practice round, finally I listen to the teacher show us the step the next time around. It's a good thing I'm a follower.
Saturday, oh Saturday was our favorite! We packed up and hit the road to San Antonio! Jeff knew there wasn't much to do in Dallas so I'm very pleased he planned a getaway...AND took care of all the details. We felt like kids on Christmas morning driving into the city and riding the elevator with our new friend "Tony the bus boy." Shortly after checking in, we toured the Riverwalk, Alamo, and surrounding sights. We dined at Casa Rio to the sounds of the mariachi band.
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Rooftop at the Hyatt...Alamo in the bottom left! |
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Self timer, I'm much too cautious to hand my dslr to a stranger. |
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Our favorite part of the whole trip! Casa Rio on the Riverwalk. |
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Jeff getting crafty with our self portrait and my souvenir! |
Then Monday came. We bid farewell for our final 5 weeks apart. Yep, I was that girl at the check in counter with mascara running down her face.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Staring Future In The Face
In the last few weeks Jeff and my conversations naturally gravitate toward future things. Obviously, because it is staring us in the face! He has three weeks left of clinical rotations, then graduation in May! We daydream about what job he'll get, where that will place us, and what in the world I will do there. A few months ago, I would not have so freely toyed with the idea of moving away from home and starting another life somewhere else...BUT GOD has been hard at work! I had
so many selfish desires
about where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, and who I wanted to be with. At this pivotal time, God has filled me with openness and excitement, when I WAS burdened with anxiety and confusion.
so good.
For now, Jeff is studying for his licensing test(boards) and working with his great patients at Baylor. I've got weddings every week until Jeff graduates so I'll edit my face off until he returns!
I'll share more about my visit to Texas in another post. Here's a shot of us in San Antonio outside the Alamo! We had an amazing time together!!
T-H-R-E-E weeks until Jeff Williams comes back to me!!!! Which means three weeks and 4 days until he goes surfing! Poor man has been land locked for far too long!
so many selfish desires
about where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, and who I wanted to be with. At this pivotal time, God has filled me with openness and excitement, when I WAS burdened with anxiety and confusion.
so good.
For now, Jeff is studying for his licensing test(boards) and working with his great patients at Baylor. I've got weddings every week until Jeff graduates so I'll edit my face off until he returns!
I'll share more about my visit to Texas in another post. Here's a shot of us in San Antonio outside the Alamo! We had an amazing time together!!
T-H-R-E-E weeks until Jeff Williams comes back to me!!!! Which means three weeks and 4 days until he goes surfing! Poor man has been land locked for far too long!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
What's Brewing?
Lately I've traded my warm coffee for an iced version. It's so good for the warm days, but gosh if this weather keeps changing I'll never get into a routine :) Although I crave a good routine, I'm not complaining. The up and down in temperatures is like my feeling about trading my scarves for flip flops. Some days I just can't decide which I prefer most! If you spot a gal waltzing around in confusing seasonal wear, it's me.
It's not only coffee that's brewing these days! March has been an eventful month! Here it is in a nutshell: Pops's birthday, Granny's birthday, a new job for a family member, surgery for sweet Rilie, Jeff in Dallas, Jeff changing clinical instructors, and Millie and Evan got engaged! Phew, I'm worn out just thinking about it all!
That's right, we are in wedding planning mode. I'm the official photographer, planner, Matron of Honor. It's been fun trying to imagine what a celebration would look like that mirrors Millie and Evan's personalities and wants. We've been productive so far!
Guess where I'm going this week...........DALLAS! I'm flying to visit Jeff and tour TX! I'll speak for both of us when I say, we are ready to be with each other! Life with Jeff Williams is so much better!
We've enjoyed sending snail mail as part of our communication. fyi: it has taken up to 5 days for a letter to arrive! Jeff was having a rough experience one day, so I wrote to him about Romans 8:28 telling him that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord... Whether things smooth over now or later, we still get to spend an eternity with Christ. That sir, is GOOD.
In the next day or so I received a letter quoting the same scripture :) We had both been encouraged by the verse and didn't know each others' thoughts until the letters were delivered.
That's right, we are in wedding planning mode. I'm the official photographer, planner, Matron of Honor. It's been fun trying to imagine what a celebration would look like that mirrors Millie and Evan's personalities and wants. We've been productive so far!
Guess where I'm going this week...........DALLAS! I'm flying to visit Jeff and tour TX! I'll speak for both of us when I say, we are ready to be with each other! Life with Jeff Williams is so much better!
We've enjoyed sending snail mail as part of our communication. fyi: it has taken up to 5 days for a letter to arrive! Jeff was having a rough experience one day, so I wrote to him about Romans 8:28 telling him that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord... Whether things smooth over now or later, we still get to spend an eternity with Christ. That sir, is GOOD.
In the next day or so I received a letter quoting the same scripture :) We had both been encouraged by the verse and didn't know each others' thoughts until the letters were delivered.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Are you Reedy?
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Sunnie misses him!! |
How about an update?? Jeff made his way to Texas by Wednesday(3/6) night. He's located just a bike ride away from a lake and about 5 miles from his clinic. His two housemates have turned out to be delightfully AWESOME! The other night when Jeff and I facetimed, he and one of the housemates played "You Are My Sunshine" on their guitars and sang to me. garsh! Jeff always amazes me. The amount of people he's met and made friends within the last week would equal the amount of friends I could make in 4 years!
Jeff has begun his 8 weeks in his clinic. I have begun my countdown for his return.
What have I been up to these days? I traded being a professional photographer for being a babysitter for a few days :) I love that I am available to help out these families. I've also done a few sessions and album design work.
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The scenery on a recent run :) |
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Headed to the Finish Line!!! |
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