Monday, October 7, 2013


Nomad: is a member of a community
of people who move from
one place to another.

It's been one year since Jeff and I packed up our first home.  We left Charleston October 6 of last year and unloaded our belongs into a storage room, only keeping the basics.  We kept seasonal clothes, my office stuff, surfboards, and 2 canvas wraps from our wedding day.
Since then we have lived in 3 zip codes!  We spent a few months in Lancaster, Jeff did a clinical in Dallas, then in Greer, SC.
Along our journey, God provided us with cozy homes to live in and has surrounded us with amazing family and friends(and clients)!  Not having our own normal has taught us a lot about ourselves.  I'm a fan of routines and comfort zones, but I've learned to adjust :)  Jeff always impresses me, he's pretty flexible with anything that happens.  Mostly, God has assured us that He will never leave us or forsake us.  Whether life is great or not at the time, we are surrounded by his blessings.
In the process of our nomadic year, we have seen God place opportunities in front of us that we would not imagine! 
Yes, we are looking forward to unpacking that storage room and moving, but we'll enjoy the next month or two living life the nomad way.

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