Friday, August 9, 2013


"Snalsa" as James calls it.  We have hoed, pulled weeds, planted seeds, and are now reaping the harvest!  The main focus of this year's garden was to make salsa.  The consensus of last year's salsa stash was that it ran out far to quickly.  Not this year!

Everyone plays their part and it's different every time.  Libby hates to cut onions and I love it.  I don't want to peel the tomatoes, but mom has it covered.  Jeff was the master canner.  James started the garden...Millie loves to pick the garden.  Ya see!

We were writing down recipes, but that went out the window with a pinch of this and handful of that.

It's not odd for a sibling to come by for a visit and leave with a mason jar full of this veggie goodness :)  Just don't take too much, this has to last a whole year!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bye July!

Oh July, where did you go?? SO MANY things happened and I have written zero. zilch.  Now I'm behind on August!

Aunt Marianne and Uncle Robbie came down for a visit and for the big wedding!  We loved having them both back in the south.  Marianne stayed around a little longer, so we hit the lake for some sunshine!  It is always refreshing to have Marianne around.  We hear interesting stories about the Farnham side!
Check out James & Mary Kathryn's July 13 wedding here!

Along with James and MK, I photographed two other weddings in July.  That means Jeff got to spend a weekend surfing in Charleston!  We try to manage our time to the best of our abilities.  Sometimes you have to drop everything and GO!  Other times(most times, lately) you have to buckle down and get to it!

God has given us amazing opportunities and has provided for us so much this summer!  I can't wait to tell you more when the time is right!

Our little Millie made the move to NC.  She is setting up her new classroom and getting into the groove of adultishness.  We are all adjusting to having one less closet to dress with.

Lib, Mil, and I have been working to speed up our pace.  We'll do speed workouts here and there.  Last week I ran my first 6.2 miles at a sub 9 minute pace :)  That's up here in the hills!  Getting ready for our 10K in October!